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    Time to go Shopping

    Time to go Shopping


    It’s Time to Go Shopping!

    Take a Drive

    One of the best ways to get a feel for a neighborhood, community or city is to get out and explore in your car. Are homes and yards well-maintained? Do you see a restaurants and shops that interest you? Are parks and recreational attractions well-tended and nearby? Park and walk an area that captures your interest. Is it quiet? After dark, is their nightlife that you might enjoy? Look for what you most love about where you live now.

    Narrow Your Search

    As you are touring, note homes for sale that pique your interest. Take some photos on your phone and share them with us. We will check out each property and, if you like, arrange for a private visit.

    Time to Buy

    Once you have chosen the property you want to purchase, we will help you make an offer that—hopefully—the seller cannot refuse. Additionally, we will investigate the potential costs and expenses associated with the new property, including HOA dues, property taxes and any special assessments.

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